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Quick Start

This page helps you quickly get started with Merbridge.


  1. Use kernel 5.7 or a higher version. Check your version with uname -r.
  2. Activate cgroup2 in your system. Check the status with mount | grep cgroup2.


Merbridge can be installed on Istio and Linkerd2 only.

Install on Istio

Apply the following command to install Merbridge:

kubectl apply -f

Install on Linkerd2

Apply the following command to install Merbridge:

kubectl apply -f

Install on Kuma

Apply the following command to install Merbridge:

kubectl apply -f


Verify installation

Before you start this verification, make sure all Pods relevant to Merbridge are running well. You can check Pod status in Istio with the following command:

kubectl -n istio-system get pods

If all these Pods are Running, it means Merbridge is successfully installed.

Verify connection

Use the following methods to check the connectivity of Merbridge:

Install sleep and helloworld and wait for a full start

kubectl label ns default istio-injection=enabled
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Conduct curl test

kubectl exec $(kubectl get po -l app=sleep -o=jsonpath='{}') -c sleep -- curl -s -v helloworld:5000/hello

If you see words like * Connected to helloworld ( port 5000 (#0) in the output, it means Merbridge has managed to replace iptables with eBPF for traffic forwarding.