Test OSM Edge Integration with Merbridge

This page will walk you through how to integrate Merbridge into OSM Edge for mesh acceleration.

This demo originated from cybwan’s personal space.

1. Deploy k8s

1.1 Preparation

  • Deploy 3 virtual machines of ubuntu 22.04/20.04, one as master node and the other two as worker nodes.

  • Name them as master, node1, and node2.

  • Modify /etc/hosts to enable hostname-based connectivity between the three nodes.

  • Update apt packages:

    sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y upgrade
  • Use root account to run the following commands.

1.2 Deploy resources for container initialization on each VM

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cybwan/osm-edge-scripts/main/scripts/install-k8s-node-init.sh -O
chmod u+x install-k8s-node-init.sh

system=$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
./install-k8s-node-init.sh ${arch} ${system}

1.3 Deploy k8s tools on each VM

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cybwan/osm-edge-scripts/main/scripts/install-k8s-node-init-tools.sh -O
chmod u+x install-k8s-node-init-tools.sh

system=$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
./install-k8s-node-init-tools.sh ${arch} ${system}

source ~/.bashrc
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cybwan/osm-edge-scripts/main/scripts/install-k8s-node-master-start.sh -O
chmod u+x install-k8s-node-master-start.sh

# replace with the IP of your master node
# Set flannel as CNI
./install-k8s-node-master-start.sh ${MASTER_IP} ${CNI}
# Wait a while...
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cybwan/osm-edge-scripts/main/scripts/install-k8s-node-worker-join.sh -O
chmod u+x install-k8s-node-worker-join.sh

# replace with the IP of your master node
# enter root passwords of Master node as required
./install-k8s-node-worker-join.sh ${MASTER_IP}
kubectl get pods -A -o wide

2. Deploy osm-edge

2.1 Download and install osm-edge CLT

system=$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
curl -L https://github.com/flomesh-io/osm-edge/releases/download/${release}/osm-edge-${release}-${system}-${arch}.tar.gz | tar -vxzf -
./${system}-${arch}/osm version
cp ./${system}-${arch}/osm /usr/local/bin/

2.2 Install osm-edge

export osm_namespace=osm-system
export osm_mesh_name=osm

osm install \
    --mesh-name "$osm_mesh_name" \
    --osm-namespace "$osm_namespace" \
    --set=osm.image.registry=flomesh \
    --set=osm.image.tag=1.3.3 \
    --set=osm.certificateProvider.kind=tresor \
    --set=osm.image.pullPolicy=Always \
    --set=osm.enablePermissiveTrafficPolicy=true \
    --set=osm.controllerLogLevel=warn \

If you want to deploy osm, use the following commands:

system=$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
curl -L https://github.com/openservicemesh/osm/releases/download/${release}/osm-${release}-${system}-${arch}.tar.gz | tar -vxzf -
./${system}-${arch}/osm version
cp ./${system}-${arch}/osm /usr/local/bin/

export osm_namespace=osm-system
export osm_mesh_name=osm

osm install \
    --mesh-name "$osm_mesh_name" \
    --osm-namespace "$osm_namespace" \
    --set=osm.image.registry=openservicemesh \
    --set=osm.image.tag=v1.2.3 \
    --set=osm.certificateProvider.kind=tresor \
    --set=osm.image.pullPolicy=Always \
    --set=osm.enablePermissiveTrafficPolicy=true \
    --set=osm.controllerLogLevel=warn \
    --verbose \

3. Deploy Merbridge

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/merbridge/merbridge/main/deploy/all-in-one-osm.yaml -O
sed -i 's/--cni-mode=false/--cni-mode=true/g' all-in-one-osm.yaml
sed -i '/--cni-mode=true/a\\t\t- --debug=true' all-in-one-osm.yaml
sed -i 's/\t/    /g' all-in-one-osm.yaml
kubectl apply -f all-in-one-osm.yaml

sleep 5s
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n osm-system -l app=merbridge --field-selector spec.nodeName==master --timeout=1800s
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n osm-system -l app=merbridge --field-selector spec.nodeName==node1 --timeout=1800s
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n osm-system -l app=merbridge --field-selector spec.nodeName==node2 --timeout=1800s

4. Test if Merbridge replaces iptables

4.1 Deploy business pods

# simulate business services
kubectl create namespace demo
osm namespace add demo
kubectl apply -n demo -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/master/samples/sleep/sleep.yaml
kubectl apply -n demo -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/master/samples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml

# schedule pods to different nodes
kubectl patch deployments sleep -n demo -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeName":"node1"}}}}'
kubectl patch deployments helloworld-v1 -n demo -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeName":"node1"}}}}'
kubectl patch deployments helloworld-v2 -n demo -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeName":"node2"}}}}'

# wait supportive pods to run
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n demo -l app=sleep --timeout=180s
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n demo -l app=helloworld -l version=v1 --timeout=180s
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -n demo -l app=helloworld -l version=v2 --timeout=180s

4.2 Scenarios Test

4.2.1 Monitor kernel logs on node1 and node2

cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe|grep bpf_trace_printk|grep -E "rewritten|redirect"

4.2.2 Command for testing

Run it multiple times:

kubectl exec $(kubectl get po -l app=sleep -n demo -o=jsonpath='{..metadata.name}') -n demo -c sleep -- curl -s helloworld:5000/hello

4.2.3 Test results

The expected output should be like:

Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-5d46f78b4c-hghcj
Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-6b56769f9d-stwrj